ICL3225ECAZ-T Intersil RS-232 Interface IC RS232 3V 2D/2R 15KV 1MBPS E-DWN20SSOP CM

Part Nnumber
RS-232 Interface IC RS232 3V 2D/2R 15KV 1MBPS E-DWN20SSOP CM
Basic price
2,06 EUR

The product with part number ICL3225ECAZ-T (RS-232 Interface IC RS232 3V 2D/2R 15KV 1MBPS E-DWN20SSOP CM) is from company Intersil and distributed with basic unit price 2,06 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Intersil Product Category: RS-232 Interface IC RoHS:  Details Function: Transceiver Data Rate: 1 Mb/s Number of Drivers: 1 Driver Number of Receivers: 2 Receiver Operating Supply Voltage: 3.3 V, 5 V Supply Current: 1 mA Maximum Operating Temperature: + 70 C Mounting Style: SMD/SMT Package/Case: SSOP-20 Packaging: Reel Brand: Intersil Minimum Operating Temperature: 0 C Series: ICL3225E Factory Pack Quantity: 1000

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